I have obtained my Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering and my Master’s has taught me engineering in microscale. My professional journey is not constrained to electrical engineering, for example, I have evaluated patents related to mechanical engineering or taught English to Persian-speaking students. I believe gaining knowledge in diverse fields broadens your view of your own field of proficiency, similar to how travelling opens up your eye to your own birthplace.
- Master of Science in Smart Systems Integration (SSI) 2015-2017 This Erasmus Mundus Master’s program delves into micro/nanoscale systems, covering different aspects of small-scale electronics, from principles of design and fabrication to characterisation and analysis. The universities I have studied at for this program are Heriot-Watt University (UK), University of South-Eastern Norway (Norway) and Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary). This joint Master’s demands adaptability and embraces lively personalities as it requires residing and studying in a new country for each semester. For my Master’s thesis, I proposed the idea of developing an innovative wearable device for leg massage. The results of the simulations showed the feasibility of having such device and I am looking forward to the day such technology helps people in their everyday lives. SSI website
- Bachelor of Science at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM) 2005-2011 I chose to study electrical engineering field as I had been interested in oscilloscopes, multi-meter, and screwdrivers since primary school. I decided my major to be Control Systems as it deals with the brain of an electrical system, I call it the brain as it is the part that defines the system’s behaviour. In control major, by combining relevant techniques you make it possible to turn an unstable system into a tamed one: by applying modifications you tell the system what to do and by receiving feedback you ask how it is going. So exciting! For my Bachelor project, I worked with intelligent algorithms and self-learned them. My project ended up to “Disaster Management in Dynamic Environments Using Co-evolutionary Algorithm.” This project was about developing a dynamic, fast converging algorithm that finds the optimized routes for deciding on how resources should be allocated to each location based on their urgent needs. FUM website
- Diploma of Building Management Systems (BMS) 2019 Obtained from Iran’s Technical and Vocational Training Organization.IranTVTO website
- Diploma of PLC -Level 2 2010 Obtained from Iran’s Technical and Vocational Training Organization. IranTVTO website
Technical and Research Experience:
I enjoy teaching and transferring my knowledge to others and that is why I started teaching English finding a free space in my schedule after Bachelor’s graduation. I worked in a Renewable Energies Tabloid because of my genuine interest in advanced technologies, especially the ones that try to reduce human impact on nature; I respect nature and I love learning from it.
- Technical Staff working in a start-up construction company 2019-2020 & 2022-present At Chahar Soghe Andishe Mana company in Mashhad, Iran. My responsibilities involve onsite inspections and aiding in electrical aspects of projects. I enjoy augmenting my skills while delving deeper into buildings’ electrical systems.
- Technical Staff working on providing photovoltaic systems 2014-2015 At Sun Air Advanced Industrial Company located at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. A this company I was mostly involved in all stages of providing off-grid and on-grid photovoltaic systems. I was also responsible for tender participation, from documentation to technical analysis. I also cooperated with the business section having responsibilities such as communicating with international companies and getting invoices. In addition, I had the chance to assist in coordinating photovoltaic workshops, held mainly for managers and electrical engineers.
- Evaluator of patent registration or scientific acknowledgement requests 2012-2016 At Khorasan Science and Technology Park’s innovation center. Evaluated patent requests or innovative ideas to be registered in Iran’s Patent Office
- Renewable Energies Tabloid Author 2014-2015 At Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Sun Air Research InstituteI. I was a member of the editorial board and had the responsibilities of finding, managing and translating international news related to renewable energies
- English Private Tutor, translator and Editor 2012-2015 & 2018-2020 I have taught mainly to students at the Elementary and Intermediate levels. I have translated and edited articles, books and other documents from/to Persian for individual requests.
- English Teacher at the pre-intermediate level for adults 2013 At Nure Kherad Institute in Iran.
- Trainee in Iran’s Khorasan Science and Technology Park 2010 Assisted with the projects in hand and participated in engineering workshops and courses
I think participating in activities other than your field of study gives you a wider view of the world you are living in; for example, you see things differently when you change your role from a student to a teacher or from a producer to a production auditor.
- Teacher Training Course (TTC) 2013 At Nure Kherad Institute, Mashhad, Iran
- EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) & BSC (Balanced Score Card) Relationship 2010 Certificate No.: EFQM-B-10/227 35 (TUV Rheinland)
- ISO 9001:2008 Internal Audit 2010 Certificate No.: QMS-A-10/204 10 (TUV Rheinland)