To avoid too many pages and tabs, I decided to put photos of the countries I had a short visit on one single page.
Sweden – Stockholm

During my short visit to Sweden, I explored Stockholm. I found Stockholm and Oslo completely different while having similarities. Sweden seemed more international and alive especially during the night while Oslo seemed more disciplined, in my opinion.
One of the places I visited was the Westfield Mall of Scandinavia, a large and impressive shopping center; the photo with water fountains and purple lights on. However, the public transport system to get there can be a bit confusing, so if you plan to visit for the first time, be prepared to navigate a little.
Italy – Rome

In Rome, I visited several of the city’s most famous tourist attractions such as Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, …, although I’m not sure of the name of the church I photographed. As you might already recognise the building photos taken at night is Colosseum.The city’s combination of ancient history and modern vibrancy made it a fascinating place to explore.
Germany – Berlin

I visited Berlin during the Christmas season, while it was wearing its beautiful Christmasy clothes. To be honest, before visiting Berlin I was one of the people who think the Berlin Wall should be something tall and scary and not as long as a car’s height, I understand that the rules and people behind a wall give it a meaning but still it was too short for my imagination.
The photo of me and the photo of the ceiling and the photo containing buildings with large windows belong to Sony Center, if you are not a robot you can recognise these photos and pass the test :).
The old painting on the wall is an advertisement for Russia’s notion of equality, however, from my perspective, the countries under Russia’s influence only make people equally poor and hard-working.

These photos belong to Berlin Victory Column itself and its view over the city.
Poland – Warsaw

About the street photo, similar to some other photos on my website, it is taken as elements form parallel lines, maybe because they satisfy my mathematical mindset. In the first photo, you can find parallel layers of seats, shops, windows, and buildings.
The statue is a warrior but it seems to me a backscratching athletic statue :D.
I am not sure if my photo of the artist man can convey the feeling I have when I see it, since I have memories of the atmosphere and every time I see this photo my heart is filled with an empty calm peaceful space with loads of paintings settled beautifully beside each other and on my mind, I know that this space is made by a calm wise man who has seen the world much more than me.
I have put a similar photo of locks locked in a fence under the Norway category. No matter how it is expressed, in all times people find a way to comfort themselves by locking a lock, tying a cloth or anything else, and I believe what makes the positive impression is the connection between like-minded people and the belief they have in their heart.
I like the architecture of religious places as so much history, finance, calculations, human labour and materials are involved in such places. In the church photo, I like how white it is and how lines are forming a complicated art piece on the ceiling.
Poland – Gdansk

There are loads of Neptune’s fountain photos online but I like to add the ones I took :).
Poland seemed to me as an alive country and the first photo somehow shows my overall view: sunlight, people, vibrant colours.