Visiting Alisadr cave in Hamedan province was one of the best travelling experiences I ever had.

Alisadr Cave dates back to the Jurassic period, and exploring it felt like being into an indescribable natural museum. Its artistic rock formations have been sculpted over millions of years, creating stunning shapes that line the pathways. Hidden within the mountain, this cave is like a hidden gem, an intricate masterpiece within a stone. One striking feature is the evidence of water level decrement over time and how erosion has constructed flat surfaces on stones in the ceiling, as seen in the last photo.

The cave ceiling is adorned with mesmerizing formations, each with a unique shape and pattern.

Although these close looks of the walls resemble delicate icicles, these structures are solid and durable, a contrast to their delicate, icy appearance.

In Lalejin city, known as the pottery capital of the world, I visited a small workshop where skilled artisans create ceramic bowls. The process involves moulding and baking the clay in traditional kilns at temperatures reaching around 1300°C. The craftsmanship here reflects a centuries-old tradition found in numerous shops along a few streets.
Hamedan Province offers a blend of natural beauty and cultural richness that leaves a lasting impression. From the ancient formations in Alisadr Cave to the enduring artistry of Lalejin pottery, you can explore attractions that can only be found in this place.