• Iran

    East Azerbaijan Province

    Tabriz Arasbaran biosphere. The two-trees photo shows 1 tree in fog and the other in clear air. In the panorama photo, you can see moving clouds, being in this area was one of the best experiences in my life, at one point we were covered in clouds, next minute it was clear for 100s of meters, next minute we couldn’t…

  • Art Gallery

    Collage and Mosaic Art

    Mosaic Art About the photo on the left, in addition to the mosaic work I have made, I have designed the vase and painted the cubic jars. There is brewed herbal tea in the glass and rock candy in the big jar, it is customary to sweeten the tea with rock candy in Iran. The Wooden Mosaic Work is done…

  • Travelogue

    Qatar and Dubai and Turkey

    When I went to Qatar it was too hot and I had only a few hours between my flights, but still, I couldn’t waste my time and went to the city. I wanted to enjoy the Arabic atmosphere, as I was coming from the European atmosphere and going to the Persian atmosphere. Dubai My trip to Dubai goes back to…

  • Travelogue


    Budapest In the heart of Hungary lies Budapest, a city divided by the majestic Danube River. Budapest separated by the Danube River to Buda and Pest sides, has beautiful attractions such as Bridges, Gellert Hill and thermal baths. Budapest is the city I studied in for a semester during Master’s, so most of my experiences in Hungary belong to this…

  • Background

    Behind the scene

    I have to admit that a few items became unavailable after their photos were taken And this is the mess while I’m making something, I am thankful to my family for their patience and support. The photo of the flower petals collage belongs to 2013.

  • Iran

    Hamedan Province

    Visiting Alisadr cave in Hamedan province was one of the best travelling experiences I ever had. Alisadr Cave belongs to the Jurassic period. I found it as an indescribable natural museum with different artistic shapes; as you pass through the path you see amazing structures. I think this cave is hidden in a mountain similar to a piece of jewellery…

  • United Kingdom


    If I want to describe England in one word I would say variant, as there are variant people and variant things from around the world. I have visited London, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Lake District and Chelsea in England. I spent most of my time in London, which overall is about a week, in museums, as they are huge with a variety of…

  • United Kingdom


    I started the two years adventure of studying my joint Masters in Edinburgh, before spending the rest of the semesters in Norway and Hungary. In Edinburgh, I found many nice people who helped me find my feet in a new country: a country which was really different from mine. Living shortly in the UK I gained experiences that might be…

  • Travelogue

    Sweden – Italy – Germany – Poland

    To avoid too many pages and tabs I decided to put photos of the countries I had a short visit on one single page. Sweden – Stockholm On my short visit to Sweden, I went to Stockholm. I found Stockholm and Oslo completely different while having similarities. Sweden seemed more international and alive especially during the night while Oslo seemed…