Lorestan province

Bisheh waterfall in autumn, located in Zagros mountains, with the height of 48 metres.

Train railway with tunnels and bridges being used in world war II. It has survived natural disasters and is a great work of civil engineering. It passes through Zagros Mountains giving a tremendous view.

Just a few shots of the amazing view of Zagros Mountains at the beginning of autumn. These mountains experience 4 seasons turning from green to yellow in autumn and cover in white in winter.

Lorestan province does not only have a spectacular nature, but it also has traces of civilization going back to thousands of years ago. The photo on the left shows a drawing of a goat as said by a local, belonging to at least 3000 years ago, drawn on hills close to Borujerd city; these ancient stone drawings are still unknown to many people and unprotected, unfortunately. The middle photo shows evergreen oak trees, a common tree in Lorestan. The right photo was taken on our way to Bisheh waterfall.

Felt made of matted, condensed and pressed sheep wool, handmade involving hard physical work and relatively long time. It is traditionally believed using felt as a carpet relieves ache and is beneficial for health, I tried it for backache and it felt like it’s actually working! Making felt this way is not something done in many places these days, these photos were taken in Borujerd Bazaar.

“Eftekhar al-Islam” historical house in Borujerd which dates back to Qajar dynasty (1789-1925).

Borujerd bazaar is inside the city but parts of it seem like you have entered a movie about how people used to live. The first photo from left is knitting thread from goat wool, the thread becomes so strong that farmers use it for heavy things. In the second photo the man is polishing a metal bowl with tin material. The photo in the middle shows ovens which are mostly used to bake bread, in Iran some places still offer bread made in old-style ovens as the result tastes great. In the second photo from right they are making “Saj” which is mostly to put the flat bread on and bake it on fire. The right photo shows a collection of tiny handmade things which can be used in tiny scale, for example, the knife can actually cut.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Elaine from Scotland

    Brilliant and informative website. Opening up Iran in very understandable way, i love reading your website. Keep up the good work

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