Golestan Province

North of Iran is so green with wonderful nature thanks to being next to Caspian Lake and its mountains.

The waterfall photo belongs to Loveh. Other photos here are randomly taken on the way to Loveh Waterfall. The right photo shows Kolza fields, You can find loads of these fields in Iran, this flower is used in making vegetable oil. Tea brewed on the coil is the only kind of tea I drink as its astringent taste doesn’t bother me, the warm damp weather of the jungle makes the tea even better.

 I loved it how only in 6 days of travelling we experienced more than 12 different atmospheres. For one day for example, just a few minutes from Kordkuy city you see a jungle with fallen leaves and blooms, and you go a few more minutes and you are inside a foggy rainy forest with purple blooms everywhere. You go from Kordkuy city to the north direction towards Bandar Torkaman which has mild cold weather with people talking and wearing clothes completely different from the rest of Iran. The next gallery belongs to Bandar Torkaman. The forest photos having autumn weather belong to Imam Reza Forest Park, 15 minutes south by car from Kordkuy city.

Gorgan City is the capital of Golestan province. You go a quarter to the south by car from this city, and you reach a lovely place full of fields, in between there is a village called Tushen. After Tushen village, I could pick two kinds of edible wild-grown plants: “Froriepia subpinnata” and something I couldn’t find its English name.

Although we went to Golestan province in winter, we could feel three seasons at the same time: the weather felt like a mild winter, trees and fallen leaves reminded us of autumn, and blooming leaves and flowers gave the sensation of spring start. 

As Iran used to include neighbouring countries, there are still different nationalities living in their own style. Turkmen for example live on the southeast Coast of Caspian Lake and you can see their traditions and traditional clothing when you go to Bandar Torkaman. In this place, you feel you’ve travelled to Turkmenistan. The boy in the green jacket is my son, wearing a Torkman hat.

The old building photos belong to a Russian castle built on an island called Ashuradeh during World War I. Despite the wonderful weather and potential vegetation of this island, currently, you can merely see people from a fishing company and border guards!

All these photos are taken a few steps distance from each other, located in the Gorgan city centre. In these photos, you see Gorgan Bazaar, 2 Mosques, and the handicrafts museum. The small building in the square is an ancient structure and thus kept as it is.

The sheep are grazing in a mountain inside Gorgan city. The view photo of part of the city shows Gorgan is a big city. That is the place I like to live, you live inside a developed city and at the same time nature is at the doorstep.

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